Here is just a few extraordinary individual all credit their Montessori Education for much of their Success.
When Barbara Walters asked if the fact that their parents were college professors was a factor behind their success, they said no, that it was their going to a Montessori school where they learned to be self-directed and self-starters. They said that Montessori education allowed them to learn to think for themselves and gave them freedom to pursue their own interests.
Jeff Bezos CEO of Amazon
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Larry Page Co-Founder of Google Inc.
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Sergey Brin Co-Founder of Google Inc.
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Will Wright creator of SIMs and Spore.
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The short list includes:
Alice Waters
Friedrich Hundertwasser
Julia Child
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Helen Keller
Alexander Graham Bell
Thomas Edison
Henry Ford
Mahatma Gandhi
Sigmund Freud
Buckminster Fuller
Leo Tolstoy
Bertrand Russell
Jean Piaget
Erik Erikson
John Holt
Ann Frank
The Dalai Lama
Jacqueline Kennedy
Prince William
Prince Harry
Yul Brynner
Bill and Hillary Clinton
Yo Yo Ma.
Dr. Maria Montessori was an Italian physician, educator, philosopher, humanitarian and devout Catholic; she is best known for her philosophy and the Montessori method of education of children from birth to adolescence. Her educational method is in use today in a number of public as well as private schools throughout the world.